Down the Drain: The third main area out of seven, which is a sewer.Later on in the game you'll even obtain a Triple Jump. Double Jump: A powerup obtained after beating the fifth boss.A room in the first area references the first game also, in which there are two Eye Snipers and a glass block.Timmy's line at the beginning of the mountain base tips off to the first game.Clone Army: The Doppelganger Constructor boss in the power station.The checkpoint before that does something funny instead of saving your game. Checkpoint Starvation: There is only one working checkpoint per special stage.B will just keep annoying you to "check out that computer." But Thou Must!: You have to obtain the map in order to leave the room.Also Ivan and Helga have this trope during battle. Black Bead Eyes: Timmy during gameplay.Bonus Dungeon: There are three of them, each accessed via a password given upon beating certain difficulties.Boss Rush: An extra, timed challenge accessed via a password.Big "NO!": Timmy gives one as the completed mega-cannon blows up Timmy's city in the worst ending.

At least you get to keep the Damage Amp if you found it back at the mountain base. Also happens in-game to Timmy, where a fake save point on the battleship steals all of Timmy's items and now he must reobtain them.

The plot picks up almost exactly where the first game left off. It uses a ten-character password system (unless you're on Hard or harder), has the same Metroidvania gameplay of the first Battle Kid, and boasts "over 650 rooms, 25 enemy types, 13 boss battles, 42 music tracks, and more bonus features this time around." Like the first game, every death is your fault, not the game's. Like the last game, Battle Kid 2 is an honest I Wanna Be the Guy, minus the Platform Hell. Battle Kid 2: Mountain of Torment is an NES game made by Sivak Games, as the sequel to Battle Kid: Fortress of Peril.